Number Columns

Options, how to use, and basic examples for number columns.

When specifying a number column the default decimal separator is a period (.) and the default thousand separator is a comma (,). You can change these values using the options specified below.


Apart from the default column options using the number type allows you to use the below additional options.

Column options


decimalSeparator string

The decimal separator used when parsing or displaying number values from cells (td's).


To supply this option through data attributes you must specify the attribute on the cell element.

			<th data-type="number" data-decimal-separator=".">...</th>

The below shows how to supply this value directly through the options.

		"columns": [{
			"type": "number",
			"decimalSeparator": "."

thousandSeparator string

The thousand separator used when parsing or displaying number values from cells (td's).


To supply this option through data attributes you must specify the attribute on the cell element.

			<th data-type="number" data-thousand-separator=",">...</th>

The below shows how to supply this value directly through the options.

		"columns": [{
			"type": "number",
			"thousandSeparator": ","